Monday, March 11, 2013

JOURNEY SO FAR..............

Hmm...where should I start.I my childhood I simply hate one thing in my life  school/college.Its not  i'm kinda introvert,I like talking with people but they only speak of useless things and always find ways to mock me.

My favourite subjects in school are social history,chemistry.I have thought of pursing career in either of them.I secured some what better rank in qualifying exam for college.I thought of pursing career relating to chemistry.But here come the big so called uncle..told my family If I want to have better marriage prospectives than I have to pursue engineering.WTF? Seriously,he is scuch a F*****.So everything I have done in my life till now,studied so hard for just to get married to some random guy.

It's hard believe that the reason I'm doing everything for only marriage,even though I had the very idea I had no hcoice.Deep inside my heart I wish to marry someone not like my father.HAHA....this reminds me of something,when I do something wrong or I don't get good marks in exam ,my mom always threatens me by saying that I'll end up marrying someone like my father.It's my worst nightmare.Even in hell I don't want to get married to someone like him.That's one of the reason why I'm studying so hard, to marry a better person,I suppose.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Neverending Sorrow........ I wonder what's the reason for my pain may be my father/family/friends and all the good for nothing people telling me what to do and what not to do.That's precisely how i am living my life always catering to other's desires while they don't even care whether i am okay or not.

In my recent life,I've come across a situation where people only started caring for the rich & good-looking,well I have to admit that I am neither.There's always a question popping in my mind i.e...can I lead a normal life just like everyone else? Is there anyone who can love even my flaws? and the answer to that is simple..I guess.It's my "wishful thinking."

"Wishful thinking" this word people always use in conjunction with me,whatever it is I am aiming for I suppose It's my wishful thinking.